The SysPay REST API is a simple programmatic interface that allows the merchant, to access or process data on the SysPay platform. You can find a list of all available API methods below.
All webservice requests should be sent over a secured HTTPS connection to the base URL For each webservice the URL path and the required parameter formats are defined below. The latest version of the API is “v2”.
All request arguments should be sent in the POST body, formatted as a JSON document. The API assumes that all data in requests is UTF-8 encoded. As an security measure, SysPay will only allow requests to be performed from specific authorized IP-addresses.
The webservice always responds with a UTF-8 encoded JSON message and a specific HTTP status code. The status code indicates that the request was successfully processed (2xx) or not ([45]xx). If there was an error, the response will contain a section with error information. For further details, check out the full list of all possible errors. If there was no error, the response will contain the information you requested.
If you are a partner and sending a request to our API on behalf of a merchant, then your request must include an X-Wsse header that matches the following pattern:
X-Wsse: AuthToken MerchantAPILogin="{merchantLogin}", PasswordDigest="{digest}", Nonce="{b64nonce}", Created="{timestamp}", PartnerLogin="{partnerLogin}", PartnerDigest="{partnerDigest}"
This header can only be used once and must be re-generated on each request.
function generateHeaders($merchantLogin, $passphrase, $partnerLogin, $partnerPassphrase, $nonce = null, $timestamp = null) {
$nonce = null === $nonce ? md5(rand(), true) : $nonce;
$timestamp = null === $timestamp ? time() : $timestamp;
$digest = base64_encode(sha1($nonce . $timestamp . $passphrase, true));
$partnerDigest = base64_encode(sha1($nonce . $timestamp . $partnerPassphrase, true));
$b64nonce = base64_encode($nonce);
$header = sprintf('X-Wsse: AuthToken MerchantAPILogin="%s", PasswordDigest="%s", Nonce="%s", Created="%d", PartnerLogin="%s", PartnerDigest="%s"',
$merchantLogin, $digest, $b64nonce, $timestamp, $partnerLogin, $partnerDigest);
return $header;
If called with the following parameters:
generateHeaders("merchantLogin", "merchantPassphrase", "myPartnerLogin", "myPartnerPassphrase", "my random nonce", 1400000000)
You would expect the following output::
X-Wsse: AuthToken MerchantAPILogin="merchantLogin", PasswordDigest="l34fbiN8TnMcOuMrNa+j5k7YSqQ=", Nonce="bXkgcmFuZG9tIG5vbmNl", Created="1400000000", PartnerLogin="myPartnerLogin", PartnerDigest="yxag0yx38DPpCDx1Pl8UZnmXANE="
When a request is not valid or is not successfully processed, the API returns a list of errors which occured together with and HTTP error code.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
error_code | string | Y | The HTTP status code. see http codes |
errors | array | Y | An array of error objects. see error codes |
"error_code": 400,
"errors": [
"class": "error",
"property": "source",
"message": "Source not found",
"code": 20006,
"data": "60"
"class": "error",
"property": "expirationDate",
"message": "Invalid end_date parameter",
"code": 20004,
"data": "string"
This method allows the merchant to initiate a token request. The response includes a redirect URL, to which the customer has to be redirected in order to provide the payment method details. This method provides you the option of sending directly the action_url to the customer email.
When the process is complete, the user will be sent back to your return_url which the final result will be appended to. In order to verify that these parameters have not been tampered with, see the post process redirection documentation.
Note: By default, a token cannot be de-tokenized by anyone unless explicitely specified by giving a list of authorized detokenizers in the authorized_detokenizers parameter. This parameter can only accept up to two ids. If two are provided, one must be your own partner id, (to allow yourself to de-tokenize) the other one is a partner you allow to view the token details.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/token |
Method: | POST |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
flow | string | BUYER | Y | The flow of the request call. BUYER: The customer which is in front of the screen and will provide his/her the payment details. |
source | int | N | The property reference for which this token request is. | |
booking_details.type | string | HOTEL | Y | The type of the booking. |
booking_details.booking_id | string | max length 100 | Y | The partner reference of the booking. |
booking_details.check_in_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | Y | The check_in date of the booking. |
booking_details.check_out_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | Y | The check_out date of the booking. If no expiration_date is provided for the token the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. The interval amount is configured within the API settings. For more information please contact customer service. |
booking_details.total_booking_amount | int | Y | The total booking fee amount in cents (500 XXX = 5.00 XXX). | |
booking_details.booking_currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | Y | The booking currency (ISO-4217), saved for information purposes only. Please note that this currency does not effect payment and mandate creations processed on the SysPay platform. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the token expiration date. The token will not be usable after this date. If no expiration_date is provided but the check_out_date is set on the request, the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. If set as null the expiration date will be set as null and not overridden by the checkout date if provided. | |
accept_until | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the date and time the customer is allowed to complete the transaction. | |
description | string | max length 300 | N | The service/product description message which will be displayed on the SysPay Hosted Token page. |
return_url | string | N | This parameter overrides the default return_url configuration set in the user backend. | |
ems_url | string | N | This parameter overrides the default ems_url configuration set in the user backend. | |
notify | string | N | The notification method for the BUYER flow to be used within this API request. | |
allowed_retries | int | N | The number of attempts a user has to try to enter the valid payment method details. This parameter can only be accepted if configured on your API. Please contact customer service if you require this functionality. | |
extra | string | max length 300 | N | An extra parameter that is passed back to the merchant when sending a redirect or event message. |
authorized_detokenizers | array | 2 elements max. | N | An array of 0 to 2 elements made of your own partner id and/or another one (see the note above) |
mandate | boolean | true|false | N | This parameter will determine if the token or payment can be used to make future payments/rebills. (Defaults to false). |
mandate_currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | N* | The currency that will be used to make future payments. (ISO-4217). {*Required if mandate is set to true.} |
customer.firstname | string | max length 100 | N | The customer’s first name |
customer.lastname | string | max length 100 | N | The customer’s last name | | string | valid email address | N* | The customer email address.(*Required if notify is set to EMAIL.) |
customer.reference | string | UNIQUE, [ -~]+ (max: 85 ascii printable characters) | N | The customer’s reference |
customer.language | string | [a-z]{2} | N | The customer language according to (ISO-639-1). Supported languages are: en, fr, it, de, es and nl. |
customer.address_country | string | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code | N | The customer’s address’ country. This parameter will be phased out when 3DS2 becomes mandatory |
customer.login | string | max length 150 | N | The customer’s login |
customer.password_hash | string | max length 64 | N | The customer’s password hash |
customer.billing_address | object | billing address | N* | The customer’s billing address. This parameter will be required to be able to utilize the 3DS protocol once 3DS2 becomes mandatory |
"flow": "BUYER",
"source": 16,
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": 1420464268,
"accept_until": 1420275883,
"description": "Hotel XYZ",
"return_url": "",
"ems_url": "",
"notify": "EMAIL",
"mandate": true,
"mandate_currency": "EUR",
"authorized_detokenizers": [42, 9000],
"customer": {
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"email": "",
"reference": "ref-1234",
"language": "en",
"address_country": "FR",
"login": "username",
"password_hash": "p@55w0rd_#",
"billing_address": {
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
Depending on the service level (STORAGE/VERIFICATION/PROCESSING), the token creation could include the automatic creation of a mandate. In this case, the response will contain an extra mandate object containing the mandate status and its details.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be token. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned token. |
status | string | Y | The token status. see status. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to access the hosted page and input his/her the card details. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was passed to the request. |
booking_details | object | Y | The booking details. see booking_details. |
creation_date | unix timestamp | Y | The creation date of the token. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The expiration date of the token. The token will not be usable after this date. |
accept_until | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the date and time the customer is allowed to complete the transaction.This parameter will only be returned on BUYER flow. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. When using the hosted flow, this will initially be null until the customer fills in his payment method data. |
moto_instance_id | int | N | The moto_instance reference. Only provided if the token was created via a Phone Booking token request. See Phone Booking Interface |
mandate | object | N | The mandate details. Will only be returned if a mandate was automatically created. see mandate. |
payment | object | N | The payment details. Will only be returned if an initial payment has been requested together with the token creation. see payment. |
risk | object | N | The risk of the token. see risk. |
"class": "token",
"id": "8",
"status": "REDIRECT",
"action_url": "",
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": "1421426737",
"accept_until": 1420275883,
"customer": {
"class": "customer",
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"class": "billing_address",
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"address3": null,
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"payment_method": null
"class": "token",
"id": "8",
"status": "REDIRECT",
"action_url": "",
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": "1421426737",
"accept_until": 1420275883,
"customer": {
"class": "customer",
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"class": "billing_address",
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"address3": null,
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"payment_method": null,
"mandate": {
"class": "mandate",
"status": "PENDING",
"end_reason": null,
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null
This method allows the merchant to initiate a token request with an initial payment. The response includes a redirect URL, to which the customer has to be redirected in order to provide the payment method details. This method provides you the option of sending directly the action_url to the customer email.
When the process is complete, the user will be sent back to your return_url which the final result will be appended to. In order to verify that these parameters have not been tampered with, see the post process redirection documentation.
Note: By default, a token cannot be de-tokenized by anyone unless explicitly specified by giving a list of authorized detokenizers in the authorized_detokenizers parameter. This parameter can only accept up to two ids. If two are provided, one must be your own partner id, (to allow yourself to de-tokenize) the other one is a partner you allow to view the token details.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/token |
Method: | POST |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
flow | string | BUYER | Y | The flow of the request call. BUYER: The customer which is in front of the screen and will provide his/her the payment details. |
source | int | N | The property reference for which this token request is. | |
booking_details.type | string | HOTEL | Y | The type of the booking. |
booking_details.booking_id | string | max length 100 | Y | The partner reference of the booking. |
booking_details.check_in_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | Y | The check_in date of the booking. |
booking_details.check_out_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | Y | The check_out date of the booking. If no expiration_date is provided for the token the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. The interval amount is configured within the API settings. For more information please contact customer service. |
booking_details.total_booking_amount | int | Y | The total booking fee amount in cents (500 XXX = 5.00 XXX). | |
booking_details.booking_currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | Y | The booking currency (ISO-4217), saved for information purposes only. Please note that this currency does not effect payment and mandate creations processed on the SysPay platform. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the token expiration date. The token will not be usable after this date. If no expiration_date is provided but the check_out_date is set on the request, the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. If set as null the expiration date will be set as null and not overridden by the checkout date if provided. | |
accept_until | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the date and time the customer is allowed to complete the transaction. | |
description | string | max length 300 | N | The service/product description message which will be displayed on the SysPay payment page and/or in the API response. |
return_url | string | N | This parameter overrides the default return_url configuration set in the user backend. | |
ems_url | string | N | This parameter overrides the default ems_url configuration set in the user backend. | |
notify | string | N | The notification method for the BUYER flow to be used within this API request. | |
allowed_retries | int | N | The number of attempts a user has to try to enter the valid payment method details. This parameter can only be accepted if configured on your API. Please contact customer service if you require this functionality. | |
extra | string | max length 300 | N | An extra parameter that is passed back to the merchant when sending a redirect or event message. |
authorized_detokenizers | array | 2 elements max. | N | An array of 0 to 2 elements made of your own partner id and/or another one (see the note above) |
customer.firstname | string | max length 100 | N | The customer’s first name |
customer.lastname | string | max length 100 | N | The customer’s last name | | string | valid email address | N* | The customer email address.(*Required if notify is set to EMAIL.) |
customer.language | string | [a-z]{2} | N | The customer language according to (ISO-639-1). Supported languages are: en, fr, it, de, es and nl. |
customer.reference | string | UNIQUE, [ -~]+ (max: 85 ascii printable characters) | N | The customer’s reference |
customer.address_country | string | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code | N | The customer’s address’ country. This parameter will be phased out when 3DS2 becomes mandatory |
customer.login | string | max length 150 | N | The customer’s login |
customer.password_hash | string | max length 64 | N | The customer’s password hash |
customer.billing_address | object | billing address | N* | The customer’s billing address. This parameter will be required to be able to utilize the 3DS protocol once 3DS2 becomes mandatory |
payment.reference | string | UNIQUE, [ -~]+ (max: 85 ascii printable characters) | Y | The merchant payment identifier for the request. This must be unique for each request. |
payment.amount | int | Y | The payment amount in cents (500 XXX = 5.00 XXX). Please check the allowed amount from the currency settings found in the user backend. | |
payment.currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | Y | The currency in which the payment should be processed. The passed currency should follow the (ISO-4217) standard. The list of currencies you are allowed to process can be checked from the settings page in the user backend. |
payment.preauth | boolean | true|false | N | This parameter determines whether the payment request should be fully processed or only authorized. If set to true the payment is only authorized and it will need to be {captured see Capture a pre-authorization} or {voided see Void a pre-authorization} later. (Defaults to false). In case of a hosted request and it is set to true, only payment methods supporting preauthorizations will be displayed. |
payment.capture_date | int | unix timestamp | N | This parameter determines when a preauthorization will be automatically captured |
payment_method_options | array | payment method options | N | Extra parameters to override payment method options |
"flow": "BUYER",
"source": 16,
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": 1420464268,
"accept_until": 1420275883,
"description": "Shopping basket payment",
"return_url": "http:\/\/\/return.php",
"ems_url": "http:\/\/\/ems.php",
"notify": "EMAIL",
"authorized_detokenizers": [42, 9000],
"customer": {
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"email": "",
"reference": "ref-1234",
"language": "en",
"address_country": "FR",
"login": "username",
"password_hash": "p@55w0rd_#",
"billing_address": {
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"payment": {
"reference": "Unique-123213",
"amount": 5000,
"currency": "EUR"
"payment_method_options": [
"type" : "CREDITCARD",
"three_ds" : "MUST"
When requesting a payment together with the token creation, a mandate will automatically created.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be token. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned token. |
status | string | Y | The token status. see status. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to access the hosted page and input his/her the card details. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was passed to the request. |
booking_details | object | Y | The booking details. see booking_details. |
creation_date | unix timestamp | Y | The creation date of the token. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The expiration date of the token. The token will not be usable after this date. |
accept_until | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the date and time the customer is allowed to complete the transaction.This parameter will only be returned on BUYER flow. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. When using the hosted flow, this will initially be null until the customer fills in his payment method data. |
moto_instance_id | int | N | The moto_instance reference. Only provided if the token was created via a Phone Booking token request. See Phone Booking Interface |
mandate | object | N | The mandate details. Will only be returned if a mandate was automatically created. see mandate. |
payment | object | N | The payment details. Will only be returned if an initial payment has been requested together with the token creation. see payment. |
risk | object | N | The risk of the token. see risk. |
"class": "token",
"id": "8",
"status": "REDIRECT",
"action_url": "https:\/\/\/redirect\/payment\/80\/eea8ed0769d0984eb52b6f6e035642fca0e60a61\/HOSTED?_locale=fr",
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": "1421426737",
"accept_until": 1420275883,
"customer": {
"class": "customer",
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"class": "billing_address",
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"address3": null,
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"payment_method": null,
"mandate": {
"class": "mandate",
"status": "PENDING",
"end_reason": null,
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null
This method allows the merchant to create a token directly by providing the payment method details within the request.
Note: By default, a token cannot be de-tokenized by anyone unless explicitly specified by giving a list of authorized detokenizers in the authorized_detokenizers parameter. This parameter can only accept up to two ids. If two are provided, one must be your own partner id, (to allow yourself to de-tokenize) the other one is a partner you allow to view the token details.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/token |
Method: | POST |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
flow | string | API | Y | The flow of the request call. API: refers to the action where the customer details will be sent directly with the API call. |
source | int | N | The property reference for which this token request is. | |
booking_details.type | string | HOTEL | Y | The type of the booking. |
booking_details.booking_id | string | max length 100 | Y | The partner reference of the booking. |
booking_details.check_in_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | Y | The check_in date of the booking. |
booking_details.check_out_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | Y | The check_out date of the booking. If no expiration_date is provided for the token the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. The interval amount is configured within the API settings. For more information please contact customer service. |
booking_details.total_booking_amount | int | Y | The total booking fee amount in cents (500 XXX = 5.00 XXX). | |
booking_details.booking_currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | Y | The booking currency (ISO-4217), saved for information purposes only. Please note that this currency does not effect payment and mandate creations processed on the SysPay platform. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the token expiration date. The token will not be usable after this date. If no expiration_date is provided but the check_out_date is set on the request, the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. If set as null the expiration date will be set as null and not overridden by the checkout date if provided. | |
description | string | max length 300 | N | The service/product description message which will be displayed on the SysPay payment page and/or in the API response. |
interactive | boolean | 1|0 | Y | This parameter specifies if the request is made by the merchant or a in the name of a 3rd party merchant. |
return_url | string | N | This parameter overrides the default return_url configuration set in the user backend. | |
ems_url | string | N | This parameter overrides the default ems_url configuration set in the user backend. | |
extra | string | max length 300 | N | An extra parameter that is passed back to the merchant when sending a redirect or event message. |
authorized_detokenizers | array | 2 elements max. | N | An array of 0 to 2 elements made of your own partner id and/or another one (see the note above) |
mandate | boolean | true|false | N | This parameter will determine if the token or payment can be used to make future payments/rebills. (Defaults to false). |
mandate_currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | N* | The currency that will be used to make future payments. (ISO-4217). {*Required if mandate is set to true.} |
customer.firstname | string | max length 100 | N | The customer’s first name |
customer.lastname | string | max length 100 | N | The customer’s last name |
customer.ip | string | N* | The customer public ip address. (*Required if the interactive flag is set to true.) | | | string | valid email address | N* | The customer email address. (*Required if notify is set to EMAIL.) |
customer.language | string | [a-z]{2} | N | The customer language according to (ISO-639-1). Supported languages are: en, fr, it, de, es and nl. |
customer.reference | string | UNIQUE, [ -~]+ (max: 85 ascii printable characters) | N | The customer’s reference |
customer.address_country | string | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code | N | The customer’s address’ country. This parameter will be phased out when 3DS2 becomes mandatory |
customer.login | string | max length 150 | N | The customer’s login |
customer.password_hash | string | max length 64 | N | The customer’s password hash |
customer.billing_address | object | billing address | N* | The customer’s billing address. This parameter will be required to be able to utilize the 3DS protocol once 3DS2 becomes mandatory |
payment_method.type | string | CREDITCARD | N* | The type of payment object to be passed in the api call. * Required if no payment_method.token_key is provided. |
payment_method.token_key | string | N* | The token value provided by the JS tokenizer service. (*Required if no payment_method.type is provided.) This is only allowed if interactive flag is set to true. See the client-side tokenization documentation. |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
payment_method.cardholder | string | max length 100 | Y | Cardholder name. Please note that non-alphabetic characters other than @ . - _ ‘ will be stripped out. Names containing digits will be rejected by validation. |
payment_method.number | string | [0-9]{12,19} | Y | Valid credit card number, only digits. |
payment_method.exp_month | string | [0-9]{2} | Y | Credit card expire month (ex: 05). |
payment_method.exp_year | string | [0-9]{4} | Y | Credit card expire year (ex: 2015). |
payment_method.cvc | int | [0-9]{3,4} | N | Credit card verification code. The CVC is always required if interactive is true or if interactive is false and your API settings do not allow you to process payments or create mandates without providing it. |
"flow": "API",
"source": 1,
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": 1420464268,
"interactive": "0",
"return_url": "",
"ems_url": "",
"authorized_detokenizers": [
"mandate": true,
"mandate_currency": "EUR",
"customer": {
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"email": "",
"reference": "ref-1234",
"language": "en",
"address_country": "FR",
"login": "username",
"password_hash": "p@55w0rd_#",
"billing_address": {
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"payment_method": {
"type": "CREDITCARD",
"number": 4111111111111111,
"cardholder": "Card Holder Name",
"exp_month": "01",
"exp_year": "2015",
"cvc": "123"
Depending on the service level (STORAGE/VERIFICATION/PROCESSING), the token creation could include the automatic creation of a mandate. In this case, the response will contain an extra mandate object containing the mandate status and its details.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be token. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned token. |
status | string | Y | The token status. see status. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to access the hosted page and input his/her the card details. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was passed to the request. |
booking_details | object | Y | The booking details. see booking_details. |
creation_date | unix timestamp | Y | The creation date of the token. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The expiration date of the token. The token will not be usable after this date. |
accept_until | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the date and time the customer is allowed to complete the transaction.This parameter will only be returned on BUYER flow. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. When using the hosted flow, this will initially be null until the customer fills in his payment method data. |
moto_instance_id | int | N | The moto_instance reference. Only provided if the token was created via a Phone Booking token request. See Phone Booking Interface |
mandate | object | N | The mandate details. Will only be returned if a mandate was automatically created. see mandate. |
payment | object | N | The payment details. Will only be returned if an initial payment has been requested together with the token creation. see payment. |
risk | object | N | The risk of the token. see risk. |
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"class": "billing_address",
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"address3": null,
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
"class": "token",
"id": "1",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"action_url": null,
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": "1520464268",
"customer": {
"class": "customer",
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"class": "billing_address",
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"address3": null,
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"payment_method": {
"class": "payment_method",
"type": "CREDITCARD",
"display": "4111-11xx-xxxx-1111",
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"details": {
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
"mandate": {
"class": "mandate",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"end_reason": null,
"start_date": 1423753881,
"end_date": null
This method allows the merchant to create a token directly with an initial payment by providing the payment method and payment details within the request.
Note: By default, a token cannot be de-tokenized by anyone unless explicitly specified by giving a list of authorized detokenizers in the authorized_detokenizers parameter. This parameter can only accept up to two ids. If two are provided, one must be your own partner id, (to allow yourself to de-tokenize) the other one is a partner you allow to view the token details.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/token |
Method: | POST |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
flow | string | API | Y | The flow of the token request call. API: refers to the action where the customer details will be sent directly with the API call. |
source | int | N | he website reference for which this token request is. (The website/s reference id/s can be checked from the user backend settings page). | |
booking_details.type | string | HOTEL | Y | The type of the booking. |
booking_details.booking_id | string | max length 100 | Y | The partner reference of the booking. |
booking_details.check_in_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | Y | The check_in date of the booking. |
booking_details.check_out_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | Y | The check_out date of the booking. If no expiration_date is provided for the token the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. The interval amount is configured within the API settings. For more information please contact customer service. |
booking_details.total_booking_amount | int | Y | The total booking fee amount in cents (500 XXX = 5.00 XXX). | |
booking_details.booking_currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | Y | The booking currency (ISO-4217), saved for information purposes only. Please note that this currency does not effect payment and mandate creations processed on the SysPay platform. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | N | The token expiration date. The token will not be usable after this date. If no expiration_date is provided but the check_out_date is set on the request, the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. If set as null the expiration date will be set as null and not overridden by the checkout date if provided. | |
description | string | max length 300 | N | The service/product description message which will be displayed on the SysPay payment page and/or in the API response. |
interactive | boolean | 1|0 | Y | This parameter specifies if the request is made in the name of the merchant himself or if its a 3rd party merchant. |
return_url | string | N | This parameter overrides the default return_url configuration set in the user backend. | |
ems_url | string | N | This parameter overrides the default ems_url configuration set in the user backend. | |
description | string | max length 300 | N | The product/service description. |
extra | string | max length 300 | N | An extra parameter that is passed back to the merchant when sending a redirect or event message. |
authorized_detokenizers | array | 2 elements max. | N | An array of 0 to 2 elements made of your own partner id and/or another one (see the note above) |
customer.firstname | string | max length 100 | N | The customer’s first name |
customer.lastname | string | max length 100 | N | The customer’s last name |
customer.ip | string | N* | The customer public ip address. (*Required if the interactive flag is set to true.) | | | string | valid email address | N | The customer email address. |
customer.language | string | [a-z]{2} | N | The customer language according to (ISO-639-1). Supported languages are: en, fr, it, de, es and nl. |
customer.reference | string | UNIQUE, [ -~]+ (max: 85 ascii printable characters) | N | The customer’s reference |
customer.address_country | string | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code | N | The customer’s address’ country. This parameter will be phased out when 3DS2 becomes mandatory |
customer.login | string | max length 150 | N | The customer’s login |
customer.password_hash | string | max length 64 | N | The customer’s password hash |
customer.billing_address | object | billing address | N* | The customer’s billing address. This parameter will be required to be able to utilize the 3DS protocol once 3DS2 becomes mandatory |
payment_method.type | string | CREDITCARD | IDEAL | SOFORT_BANKING | N* | The type of payment object to be passed in the api call. (* Required if no payment_method.token_key is provided.) |
payment_method.token_key | string | N* | The token value provided by the JS tokenizer service. (*Required if no payment_method.type is provided.) This is only allowed if interactive flag is set to true. See the client-side tokenization documentation. | |
payment.reference | string | UNIQUE, [ -~]+ (max: 85 ascii printable characters) | Y | The merchant payment identifier for the request. This must be unique for each request. |
payment.amount | int | Y | The payment amount in cents (500 XXX = 5.00 XXX). Please check your allowed amount limits from the currency settings found in the user backend. | |
payment.currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | Y | The currency type in which the payment should be processed. (The list of allowed currencies can be checked from the settings page of the merchant backend.) The passed currency should follow the (ISO-4217) standard. |
payment.preauth | boolean | true|false | N | This parameter determines whether the payment request should be fully processed or only authorized. If set to true the payment is only authorized and it will need to be captured (see Capture a pre-authorization) or voided (see Void a pre-authorization) later. (Defaults to false). |
payment.capture_date | int | unix timestamp | N | This parameter determines when a preauthorization will be automatically captured |
payment_method_options | array | payment method options | N | Extra parameters to override payment method options |
device | object | device | N* | Extra parameters for improved 3D Secure Assessment (* Required if you’re not using our client-side tokenization solution and therefore not providing a payment_method.token_key and if interactive = 1) |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
payment_method.cardholder | string | max length 100 | Y | Cardholder name. Please note that non-alphabetic characters other than @ . - _ ‘ will be stripped out. Names containing digits will be rejected by validation. |
payment_method.number | string | [0-9]{12,19} | Y | Valid credit card number, only digits. |
payment_method.exp_month | string | [0-9]{2} | Y | Credit card expire month (ex: 05). |
payment_method.exp_year | string | [0-9]{4} | Y | Credit card expire year (ex: 2015). |
payment_method.cvc | int | [0-9]{3,4} | N | Credit card verification code. The CVC is always required if interactive is true or if interactive is false and your API settings do not allow you to process payments or create mandates without providing it. |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
ideal.bank_id | int | Y | The iDeal bank id (see Get a list of iDeal banks) |
"flow": "API",
"source": 1,
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": 1520464268,
"interactive": "0",
"return_url": "",
"ems_url": "",
"description": "Shopping basket payment",
"customer": {
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"email": "",
"reference": "ref-1234",
"language": "en",
"address_country": "FR",
"login": "username",
"password_hash": "p@55w0rd_#",
"billing_address": {
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"authorized_detokenizers": [
"payment_method": {
"type": "CREDITCARD",
"number": 4111111111111111,
"cardholder": "Card Holder Name",
"exp_month": "01",
"exp_year": "2016",
"cvc": "123"
"payment": {
"reference": "Unique-111111",
"amount": 5000,
"currency": "EUR"
"payment_method_options": [
"type" : "CREDITCARD",
"three_ds" : "MUST"
"device": {
"type": "browser",
"browser_width": "1024",
"browser_height": "768",
"browser_time_zone_offset": "-120",
"browser_color_depth": "48",
"browser_java_enabled": "1",
"browser_language": "en",
"accept_header": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
"user_agent_header": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36"
When requesting a payment together with the token creation, a mandate will automatically created.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be token. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned token. |
status | string | Y | The token status. see status. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to access the hosted page and input his/her the card details. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was passed to the request. |
booking_details | object | Y | The booking details. see booking_details. |
creation_date | unix timestamp | Y | The creation date of the token. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The expiration date of the token. The token will not be usable after this date. |
accept_until | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the date and time the customer is allowed to complete the transaction.This parameter will only be returned on BUYER flow. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. When using the hosted flow, this will initially be null until the customer fills in his payment method data. |
moto_instance_id | int | N | The moto_instance reference. Only provided if the token was created via a Phone Booking token request. See Phone Booking Interface |
mandate | object | N | The mandate details. Will only be returned if a mandate was automatically created. see mandate. |
payment | object | N | The payment details. Will only be returned if an initial payment has been requested together with the token creation. see payment. |
risk | object | N | The risk of the token. see risk. |
"class": "token",
"id": "1",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"action_url": null,
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": "1520464268",
"customer": {
"class": "customer",
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"class": "billing_address",
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"address3": null,
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"payment_method": {
"class": "payment_method",
"type": "CREDITCARD",
"display": "4111-11xx-xxxx-1111",
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"details": {
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
"payment": {
"class": "payment",
"id": 16,
"reference": "Unique-111111",
"amount": 5000,
"currency": "EUR",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"flow": "API",
"processing_time": 1423501843,
"source": 1,
"contract": "Contract",
"descriptor": "Contract",
"extra": null,
"description": "Shopping basket payment",
"account_id": 123,
"merchant_id": 123,
"merchant_login": "login",
"settlement_date": 1424711442,
"failure_category": null,
"chip_and_pin_status": null,
"token": {
"class": "reference",
"id": 7,
"type": "token",
"link": ""
"customer": {
"class": "customer",
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"class": "billing_address",
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"address3": null,
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"payment_method": {
"class": "payment_method",
"type": "CREDITCARD",
"display": "4111-11xx-xxxx-1111",
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"details": {
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
"mandate": {
"class": "mandate",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"end_reason": null,
"start_date": 1423753881,
"end_date": null
This method allows the merchant to take a payment on an existing token with an active mandate or without mandate. In order to do so, a payment on a specific token_id has to be requested.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/payment |
Method: | POST |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
flow | string | API | Y | Always use ‘API’ for rebills. |
token_id | int | Y | The token reference. | |
reference | string | UNIQUE, [ -~]+ (max: 85 ascii printable characters) | Y | The merchant payment identifier for the request. This must be unique for each request. |
amount | int | Y | The payment amount in cents (500 XXX = 5.00 XXX). Please check the allowed amount from the currency settings found in the user backend. | |
currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | Y | The currency in which the payment should be processed. The passed currency should follow the (ISO-4217) standard and must match the one that the mandate is in. |
preauth | boolean | true|false | N | This parameter determines whether the payment request should be fully processed or only authorized. If set to true the payment is only authorized and it will need to be {captured see Capture a pre-authorization} or {voided see Void a pre-authorization} later. (Defaults to false). |
capture_date | int | unix timestamp | N | This parameter determines when a preauthorization will be automatically captured |
description | string | max length 300 | N | The product/service description. |
extra | string | max lenght 300 | N | Extra parameter that is passed back to the merchant when sending the event message. |
return_url | string | N | This parameter overrides the default return_url configuration set in the user backend. | |
ems_url | string | N | This parameter overrides the default ems_url configuration set in the user backend. |
"flow": "API",
"token_id": 12,
"extra": "extra",
"reference": "Unique-11111",
"description": "Some description",
"amount": 5000,
"currency": "EUR",
"return_url": "http:\/\/\/return.php",
"ems_url": "http:\/\/\/ems.php",
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be payment. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned payment. |
reference | string | Y | The merchant payment identifier which was passed in the request. |
amount | int | Y | The amount in cents. |
currency | string | Y | The currency (ISO-4217). |
status | string | Y | The payment status see status. |
preauth_expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The preauth expiration date specifies until when a a preauth can be captured or voided. The transaction will be voided automatically once the preauth expires. |
capture_date | unix timestamp | Y | The date after which the preauth may be automatically captured. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to provide further details required to complete the payment. |
flow | string | Y | The flow used to process the payment. |
processing_time | unix timestamp | Y | When the payment has been processed, null if the transaction is still not complete. |
source | int | N | The id of the website the payment has been made for. |
contract | string | N | The name of the payment processor. |
descriptor | string | N | The payment description which will be shown on the card payment bank statement. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was sent on in the request call. |
description | string | N | The merchant payment description. |
account_id | int | Y | The SysPay account reference that the API access is linked to. |
merchant_id | int | Y | The SysPay API access merchant reference. |
merchant_login | string | Y | The SysPay API merchant login which proccessed the payment. |
settlement_date | unix timestamp | N | A timestamp indicating when this payment will be settled. |
failure_category | string | N | When a payment fails, this parameter will include extra information about the error (reference). |
chip_and_pin_status | string | N | This field will be present on Chip&Pin transactions. When the payment has been made using the bluetooth device, the actual payment status will be kept OPEN until the transaction is really captured (which can take 1 business day). In order to let your web shop or native application know about the transaction results synchronously, this field will reflect the status seen on the device (SUCCESS / FAILED). This should be used for display purpose only. |
token | object | N | The token details. see token. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. |
processor_reference | string | N | The reference of the transaction for the processor, in case of supergateway processing. |
"class": "payment",
"id": 123,
"reference": "Unique-11111",
"amount": 5000,
"currency": "EUR",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action_url": null,
"flow": "API",
"processing_time": 1423737892,
"source": null,
"contract": "Syspay",
"descriptor": "@SYSPAY*",
"extra": "extra",
"description": "Some description",
"account_id": 42,
"merchant_id": 65,
"merchant_login": "42001",
"settlement_date": 1423737892,
"failure_category": null,
"chip_and_pin_status": null,
"token": {
"class": "token",
"id": "44",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"action_url": null,
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": 1523737892,
"description": "description",
"customer": {
"class": "customer",
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"billing_address": null
"payment_method": {
"class": "payment_method",
"type": "CREDITCARD",
"display": "4111-11xx-xxxx-1111",
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"details": {
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
"customer": {
"class": "customer",
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"billing_address": null
"payment_method": {
"class": "payment_method",
"type": "CREDITCARD",
"display": "4111-11xx-xxxx-1111",
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"details": {
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
This method allows the merchant to get information regarding a particular token.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/token/{token_id} |
Method: | GET |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
token_id | int | Y | The reference id of the token to be retrieved. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be token. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned token. |
status | string | Y | The token status. see status. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to access the hosted page and input his/her the card details. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was passed to the request. |
booking_details | object | Y | The booking details. see booking_details. |
creation_date | unix timestamp | Y | The creation date of the token. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The expiration date of the token. The token will not be usable after this date. |
accept_until | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the date and time the customer is allowed to complete the transaction.This parameter will only be returned on BUYER flow. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. When using the hosted flow, this will initially be null until the customer fills in his payment method data. |
moto_instance_id | int | N | The moto_instance reference. Only provided if the token was created via a Phone Booking token request. See Phone Booking Interface |
mandate | object | N | The mandate details. Will only be returned if a mandate was automatically created. see mandate. |
payment | object | N | The payment details. Will only be returned if an initial payment has been requested together with the token creation. see payment. |
risk | object | N | The risk of the token. see risk. |
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"class": "billing_address",
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"address3": null,
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
This method allows the merchant to get a list of tokens and their corresponding information.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/tokens |
Method: | GET |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
status | string | N | The token status. see status | |
expiration_date_start | int | unix timestamp | N | The expiration start date from where you want to get the tokens in UTC. |
expiration_date_end | int | unix timestamp | N | The expiration end date until where you want to get the tokens in UTC. |
creation_date_start | int | unix timestamp | N | The creation start date from where you want to get the tokens in UTC. |
creation_date_end | int | unix timestamp | N | The creation end date until where you want to get the tokens in UTC. |
moto_instance_id | string | N | The phone booking instance id related to the token (see phone booking API for more information) | | | string | N | The customer email. | |
payment_method.type | string | N | The payment method type. see payment method types | |
payment_method.validation_status | string | N | The payment method validation status. see validation status | |
page | int | N | The results page number requested. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be list. |
items_class | string | Y | The type of objects which are being returned in the data field as an array. In this case it will be token. |
total_count | int | Y | The total number of search results. |
pages | int | Y | The number of pages to hold all results. |
page | int | Y | Current page being returned. |
limit | int | Y | Number of results returned per page. |
next_page | string|null | Y | A url which must be called to get the next page of tokens. Null if we’re already at the last page. |
previous_page | string|null | Y | A url which must be called to get the previous page of tokens. Null if we’re already in the first page. |
data | array | Y | The results corresponding to the current page. An array of token objects. see token |
"class": "list",
"items_class": "token",
"total_count": 1000,
"pages": 10,
"page": 2,
"limit": 100,
"next_page": "https:\/\/\/api\/v2\/merchant\/tokens?status=ACTIVE&expiration_date_start=1424097095&page=3",
"previous_page": "https:\/\/\/api\/v2\/merchant\/tokens?status=ACTIVE&expiration_date_start=1424097095&page=1",
{ },
{ },
This method allows the merchant to get the payment status and information.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/payment/{payment_id} |
Method: | GET |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
payment_id | int | Y | The reference id of the payment to be retrieved. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be payment. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned payment. |
reference | string | Y | The merchant payment identifier which was passed in the request. |
amount | int | Y | The amount in cents. |
currency | string | Y | The currency (ISO-4217). |
status | string | Y | The payment status see status. |
preauth_expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The preauth expiration date specifies until when a a preauth can be captured or voided. The transaction will be voided automatically once the preauth expires. |
capture_date | unix timestamp | Y | The date after which the preauth may be automatically captured. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to provide further details required to complete the payment. |
flow | string | Y | The flow used to process the payment. |
processing_time | unix timestamp | Y | When the payment has been processed, null if the transaction is still not complete. |
source | int | N | The id of the website the payment has been made for. |
contract | string | N | The name of the payment processor. |
descriptor | string | N | The payment description which will be shown on the card payment bank statement. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was sent on in the request call. |
description | string | N | The merchant payment description. |
account_id | int | Y | The SysPay account reference that the API access is linked to. |
merchant_id | int | Y | The SysPay API access merchant reference. |
merchant_login | string | Y | The SysPay API merchant login which proccessed the payment. |
settlement_date | unix timestamp | N | A timestamp indicating when this payment will be settled. |
failure_category | string | N | When a payment fails, this parameter will include extra information about the error (reference). |
chip_and_pin_status | string | N | This field will be present on Chip&Pin transactions. When the payment has been made using the bluetooth device, the actual payment status will be kept OPEN until the transaction is really captured (which can take 1 business day). In order to let your web shop or native application know about the transaction results synchronously, this field will reflect the status seen on the device (SUCCESS / FAILED). This should be used for display purpose only. |
token | object | N | The token details. see token. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. |
processor_reference | string | N | The reference of the transaction for the processor, in case of supergateway processing. |
"descriptor":"Test Contract",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"class": "billing_address",
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"address3": null,
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
This method allows the merchant to get a list of payments and their corresponding information.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/payments |
Method: | GET |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
amount | int | N | The amount of the payment | |
currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | N | The currency of the payment (ISO-4217) |
request_time_start | int | unix timestamp | N | The request start date from where you want to get the payments in UTC |
request_time_end | int | unix timestamp | N | The request end date until where you want to get the payments in UTC |
processing_time_start | int | unix timestamp | N | The processing start date from where you want to get the payments in UTC |
processing_time_end | int | unix timestamp | N | The processing end date until where you want to get the payments in UTC |
source | int | N | The SysPay website reference | |
reference | string | UNIQUE, [ -~]+ (max: 85 ascii printable characters) | N | The merchant payment identifier |
token_id | int | N | The token reference with an active mandate. | |
status | string | N | The payment status. see status | |
page | int | N | The results page number requested. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be list. |
items_class | string | Y | The type of objects which are being returned in the data field as an array. In this case it will be payment. |
total_count | int | Y | The total number of search results. |
pages | int | Y | The number of pages to hold all results. |
page | int | Y | Current page being returned. |
limit | int | Y | Number of results returned per page. |
next_page | string|null | Y | A url which must be called to get the next page of payments. Null if we’re already at the last page. |
previous_page | string|null | Y | A url which must be called to get the previous page of payments. Null if we’re already in the first page. |
data | array | Y | The results corresponding to the current page. An array of payment objects. see payment |
"class": "list",
"items_class": "payment",
"total_count": 1000,
"pages": 10,
"page": 2,
"limit": 100,
"next_page": "https:\/\/\/api\/v2\/merchant\/payments?status=SUCCESS&processing_time_start=1424097095&page=3",
"previous_page": "https:\/\/\/api\/v2\/merchant\/payments?status=SUCCESS&processing_time_start=1424097095&page=1",
{ },
{ },
This method allows the merchant to get a list of operations and their corresponding information.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/operations/ |
Method: | GET |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
operation_id | int | UNIQUE | N | The syspay identifier. |
operation_status | array | N | The operation status (see status). | |
operation_type | array | N | The type of operations (see type) . | |
booking | string | UNIQUE | N | The merchant operation identifier. |
booking_time_start | int | unix timestamp | N | The creation start date from where you want to get the tokens in UTC. |
booking_time_end | int | unix timestamp | N | The creation end date until where you want to get the tokens in UTC. |
operation_time_start | int | unix timestamp | N | The creation start date from where you want to get the operations in UTC |
operation_time_end | int | unix timestamp | N | The creation end date until where you want to get the operations in UTC. |
processing_time_start | int | unix timestamp | N | The start processing date when the operation has been processed, null if the transaction is still not complete. |
processing_time_end | int | unix timestamp | N | The end procedding date when the operation has been processed, null if the transaction is still not complete. |
check_in_start | int | unix timestamp | N | The start check_in date of the booking. |
check_in_end | int | unix timestamp | N | The end check_in date of the booking. |
check_out_start | int | unix timestamp | N | The start check out date of the booking. |
check_out_end | int | unix timestamp | N | The end check out date of the booking. |
customer | string | N | Part of the name of the customer. | |
string | valid email address | N | Customers email address. | |
page | int | N | Number of page |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
---|---|---|---| | int | The SysPay operation reference. | |
operation.feature_name | string | Y | The API ‘s name . |
operation.processing_time | unix timestamp | N | When the payment has been processed, null if the transaction is still not complete.. |
operation.operation_time | unix timestamp | N | The timestamp when the operation is created. |
operation.booking_time | unix timestamp | N | The timestamp when the token is created. |
operation.checking_in | unix timestamp | N | The check_in date of the booking. |
operation.checking_out | unix timestamp | N | The check_out date of the booking. | | string | N | The partner reference of the booking. |
operation.customer | string | N | The customer first name combine with the last name. |
operation.payment_method | string | N | A payment method-specific string that can be used to identify the payment method used. |
operation.scheme | string | N | Credit card scheme. |
operation.type | string | N | Type of operation. |
operation.amount | string | N | The amount in cents. |
operation.currency | string | N | The currency. |
operation.source | string | N | The source of operation. |
operation.fee | int | N | The fee of the operation. |
operation.status | string | N | The status of the operation. |
"data": [
"class": "Operation",
"id": 50,
"feature_name": "Processing",
"processing_time": "1633000748",
"operation_time": "1633000745",
"booking_time": "1633000744",
"checking_in": null,
"checking_out": null,
"booking_reference": "dasd",
"customer": "Ashley Connell",
"email": "",
"payment_method": "5420-71xx-xxxx-0010",
"scheme": null,
"type": "BillingAgreement",
"amount": null,
"currency": "EUR",
"source": "Processing",
"fee": null,
"status": "SUCCESS"
"class": "Operation",
"id": 51,
"feature_id": "Processing",
"processing_time": null,
"operation_time": "1633000745",
"booking_time": "1633000769",
"checking_in": null,
"checking_out": null,
"booking_reference": null,
"customer": "Ashley Connell",
"email": null,
"payment_method": "5420-71xx-xxxx-0010",
"scheme": "MASTERCARD",
"type": "Payment",
"amount": "5500",
"currency": "EUR",
"source": "Processing",
"fee": null,
"status": "OPEN"
This method allows the merchant to capture a pre authorized payment and move the money from the customer bank account to the merchant SysPay account. This updates the status of the payment from AUTHORIZED to SUCCESS.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/payment/{payment_id}/capture |
Method: | POST |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
payment_id | int | Y | The reference id of the payment to be captured. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be payment. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned payment. |
reference | string | Y | The merchant payment identifier which was passed in the request. |
amount | int | Y | The amount in cents. |
currency | string | Y | The currency (ISO-4217). |
status | string | Y | The payment status see status. |
preauth_expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The preauth expiration date specifies until when a a preauth can be captured or voided. The transaction will be voided automatically once the preauth expires. |
capture_date | unix timestamp | Y | The date after which the preauth may be automatically captured. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to provide further details required to complete the payment. |
flow | string | Y | The flow used to process the payment. |
processing_time | unix timestamp | Y | When the payment has been processed, null if the transaction is still not complete. |
source | int | N | The id of the website the payment has been made for. |
contract | string | N | The name of the payment processor. |
descriptor | string | N | The payment description which will be shown on the card payment bank statement. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was sent on in the request call. |
description | string | N | The merchant payment description. |
account_id | int | Y | The SysPay account reference that the API access is linked to. |
merchant_id | int | Y | The SysPay API access merchant reference. |
merchant_login | string | Y | The SysPay API merchant login which proccessed the payment. |
settlement_date | unix timestamp | N | A timestamp indicating when this payment will be settled. |
failure_category | string | N | When a payment fails, this parameter will include extra information about the error (reference). |
chip_and_pin_status | string | N | This field will be present on Chip&Pin transactions. When the payment has been made using the bluetooth device, the actual payment status will be kept OPEN until the transaction is really captured (which can take 1 business day). In order to let your web shop or native application know about the transaction results synchronously, this field will reflect the status seen on the device (SUCCESS / FAILED). This should be used for display purpose only. |
token | object | N | The token details. see token. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. |
processor_reference | string | N | The reference of the transaction for the processor, in case of supergateway processing. |
"descriptor":"Test Contract",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"class": "billing_address",
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"address3": null,
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
This method allows the merchant to void a pre authorized payment so the customer is not charged the payment. This updates the status of the payment from AUTHORIZED to VOIDED.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/payment/{payment_id}/void |
Method: | POST |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
payment_id | int | Y | The reference id of the payment to be voided. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be payment. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned payment. |
reference | string | Y | The merchant payment identifier which was passed in the request. |
amount | int | Y | The amount in cents. |
currency | string | Y | The currency (ISO-4217). |
status | string | Y | The payment status see status. |
preauth_expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The preauth expiration date specifies until when a a preauth can be captured or voided. The transaction will be voided automatically once the preauth expires. |
capture_date | unix timestamp | Y | The date after which the preauth may be automatically captured. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to provide further details required to complete the payment. |
flow | string | Y | The flow used to process the payment. |
processing_time | unix timestamp | Y | When the payment has been processed, null if the transaction is still not complete. |
source | int | N | The id of the website the payment has been made for. |
contract | string | N | The name of the payment processor. |
descriptor | string | N | The payment description which will be shown on the card payment bank statement. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was sent on in the request call. |
description | string | N | The merchant payment description. |
account_id | int | Y | The SysPay account reference that the API access is linked to. |
merchant_id | int | Y | The SysPay API access merchant reference. |
merchant_login | string | Y | The SysPay API merchant login which proccessed the payment. |
settlement_date | unix timestamp | N | A timestamp indicating when this payment will be settled. |
failure_category | string | N | When a payment fails, this parameter will include extra information about the error (reference). |
chip_and_pin_status | string | N | This field will be present on Chip&Pin transactions. When the payment has been made using the bluetooth device, the actual payment status will be kept OPEN until the transaction is really captured (which can take 1 business day). In order to let your web shop or native application know about the transaction results synchronously, this field will reflect the status seen on the device (SUCCESS / FAILED). This should be used for display purpose only. |
token | object | N | The token details. see token. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. |
processor_reference | string | N | The reference of the transaction for the processor, in case of supergateway processing. |
"descriptor":"Test Contract",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"class": "billing_address",
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"address3": null,
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
This method allows the merchant to refund a payment. The response includes a redirect URL, to which the customer has to be routed to confirm and complete the refund process.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/refund |
Method: | POST |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
payment_id | int | Y | SysPay payment reference of the payment you want to refund. | |
reference | string | UNIQUE, [ -~]+ (max: 85 ascii printable characters) | Y | Merchant refund identifier, must be unique for each refund. |
amount | int | Y | The amount to refund back to the customer must be equal or less than the original payment amount. | |
currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | Y | The refund currency, should be the same as the currency of the original payment (ISO-4217). |
description | string | max length 300 | N | The description of this refund. |
extra | string | max length 300 | N | An extra parameter that is passed back to the merchant when sending a redirect or event message. |
ems_url | string | N | This parameter overrides the default ems_url set in the user backend. |
"payment_id": "1458",
"reference": "998249",
"amount": "5000",
"currency": "EUR",
"description": "goods could not be delivered",
"extra": "Q3VyaW9zaXR5IGlzIHRoZSBsdXN0IG9mIHRoZSBtaW5kLiAtIFRob21hcyBIb2JiZXMK",
"ems_url": "http:\/\/\/ems.php"
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be refund. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned refund. |
reference | string | Y | The Merchant refund identifier which was sent on in the request call. |
amount | int | Y | The amount in cents. |
currency | string | Y | The currency (ISO-4217). |
status | string | Y | The refund status. see status. |
processing_time | unix timestamp | Y | The time stamp of when the refund was processed. Null is returned if the transaction is still not complete. |
description | string | N | The refund description which was sent on in the request call. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was sent on in the request call. |
payment | object | Y | The original payment object. see payment. |
failure_category | string | N | When a refund fails, this parameter will include extra information about the error (reference). |
"description":"goods could not be delivered",
"payment":{ }
This method allows the merchant to get the refund status and information.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/refund/{refund_id} |
Method: | GET |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
refund_id | int | Y | The reference id of the refund to be retrieved. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be refund. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned refund. |
reference | string | Y | The Merchant refund identifier which was sent on in the request call. |
amount | int | Y | The amount in cents. |
currency | string | Y | The currency (ISO-4217). |
status | string | Y | The refund status. see status. |
processing_time | unix timestamp | Y | The time stamp of when the refund was processed. Null is returned if the transaction is still not complete. |
description | string | N | The refund description which was sent on in the request call. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was sent on in the request call. |
payment | object | Y | The original payment object. see payment. |
failure_category | string | N | When a refund fails, this parameter will include extra information about the error (reference). |
"description":"goods could not be delivered",
"payment":{ }
This method allows the merchant to update specific parameter/s of an existing token.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/token/{token_id} |
Method: | POST |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
authorized_detokenizers | array | 2 elements max. | N | An array of 0 to 2 elements made of your own partner id and/or another one (see the note on Hosted Token Request Section) |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | N* | A unix timestamp which determines the token expiration date. The token will not be usable after this date. If no expiration_date is provided but the check_out_date is set on the request, the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. | |
booking_details.type | string | HOTEL | Y | The type of the booking. |
booking_details.booking_id | string | max length 100 | N | The partner reference of the booking. |
booking_details.check_in_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | N* | The check_in date of the booking. (*Required if check_out_date is provided). |
booking_details.check_out_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | N* | The check_out date of the booking. (*Required if check_in_date is provided). If no expiration_date is provided for the token the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. The interval amount is configured within the API settings. For more information please contact customer service. |
booking_details.total_booking_amount | int | N* | The total booking fee amount. (*Required if booking_currency is provided). | |
booking_details.booking_currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | N* | The booking currency (ISO-4217), saved for information purposes only. Please note that this currency does not effect payment and mandate creations processed on the SysPay platform. (*Required if total_booking_amount is provided). |
"authorized_detokenizers": [18223,19726],
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": "1469871761"
The response returned by the service is similar to the token creation one. Depending on the service level (STORAGE/VERIFICATION/PROCESSING), the response could contain an extra mandate object containing the mandate status and its details.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be token. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned token. |
status | string | Y | The token status. see status. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to access the hosted page and input his/her the card details. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was passed to the request. |
booking_details | object | Y | The booking details. see booking_details. |
creation_date | unix timestamp | Y | The creation date of the token. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The expiration date of the token. The token will not be usable after this date. |
accept_until | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the date and time the customer is allowed to complete the transaction.This parameter will only be returned on BUYER flow. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. When using the hosted flow, this will initially be null until the customer fills in his payment method data. |
moto_instance_id | int | N | The moto_instance reference. Only provided if the token was created via a Phone Booking token request. See Phone Booking Interface |
mandate | object | N | The mandate details. Will only be returned if a mandate was automatically created. see mandate. |
payment | object | N | The payment details. Will only be returned if an initial payment has been requested together with the token creation. see payment. |
risk | object | N | The risk of the token. see risk. |
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"billing_address": null
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
"class": "token",
"id": "1",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"action_url": null,
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": "1520464268",
"customer": {
"class": "customer",
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"billing_address": null
"payment_method": {
"class": "payment_method",
"type": "CREDITCARD",
"display": "4111-11xx-xxxx-1111",
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"details": {
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
"mandate": {
"class": "mandate",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"end_reason": null,
"start_date": 1423753881,
"end_date": null
This method allows the merchant to revalidate an existing token.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/token/{token_id}/validate |
Method: | POST |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
token_id | int | Y | The reference id of the token to be revalidated. |
The response returned by the service is similar to the token creation one. Depending on the service level (STORAGE/VERIFICATION/PROCESSING), the response could contain an extra mandate object containing the mandate status and its details.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be token. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned token. |
status | string | Y | The token status. see status. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to access the hosted page and input his/her the card details. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was passed to the request. |
booking_details | object | Y | The booking details. see booking_details. |
creation_date | unix timestamp | Y | The creation date of the token. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The expiration date of the token. The token will not be usable after this date. |
accept_until | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the date and time the customer is allowed to complete the transaction.This parameter will only be returned on BUYER flow. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. When using the hosted flow, this will initially be null until the customer fills in his payment method data. |
moto_instance_id | int | N | The moto_instance reference. Only provided if the token was created via a Phone Booking token request. See Phone Booking Interface |
mandate | object | N | The mandate details. Will only be returned if a mandate was automatically created. see mandate. |
payment | object | N | The payment details. Will only be returned if an initial payment has been requested together with the token creation. see payment. |
risk | object | N | The risk of the token. see risk. |
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"billing_address": null
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
"class": "token",
"id": "1",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"action_url": null,
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-refd",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": "1520464268",
"customer": {
"class": "customer",
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"billing_address": null
"payment_method": {
"class": "payment_method",
"type": "CREDITCARD",
"display": "4111-11xx-xxxx-1111",
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"details": {
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
"mandate": {
"class": "mandate",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"end_reason": null,
"start_date": 1423753881,
"end_date": null
This method allows the merchant to create a token directly by providing the payment method details within the request. This method will just store the card within our system for future use. It is suggested that this method is mainly used for importing of card information into our system.
Note: By default, a token cannot be de-tokenized by anyone unless explicitly specified by giving a list of authorized detokenizers in the authorized_detokenizers parameter. This parameter can only accept up to two ids. If two are provided, one must be your own partner id, (to allow yourself to de-tokenize) the other one is a partner you allow to view the token details.
URL syntax: | /api/{version}/merchant/token/import |
Method: | POST |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
source | int | N | The property reference for which this token request is. | |
booking_details.type | string | HOTEL | Y | The type of the booking. |
booking_details.booking_id | string | max length 100 | Y | The partner reference of the booking. |
booking_details.check_in_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | Y | The check_in date of the booking. |
booking_details.check_out_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | Y | The check_out date of the booking. If no expiration_date is provided for the token the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. The interval amount is configured within the API settings. For more information please contact customer service. |
booking_details.total_booking_amount | int | Y | The total booking fee amount in cents (500 XXX = 5.00 XXX). | |
booking_details.booking_currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | Y | The booking currency (ISO-4217), saved for information purposes only. Please note that this currency does not effect payment and mandate creations processed on the SysPay platform. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the token expiration date. The token will not be usable after this date. If no expiration_date is provided but the check_out_date is set on the request, the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. If set as null the expiration date will be set as null and not overridden by the checkout date if provided. | |
description | string | max length 300 | N | The service/product description message which will be displayed on the SysPay payment page and/or in the API response. |
ems_url | string | N | This parameter overrides the default ems_url configuration set in the user backend. | |
extra | string | max length 300 | N | An extra parameter that is passed back to the merchant when sending a redirect or event message. |
authorized_detokenizers | array | 2 elements max. | N | An array of 0 to 2 elements made of your own partner id and/or another one (see the note above) |
customer.firstname | string | max length 100 | N | The customer’s first name |
customer.lastname | string | max length 100 | N | The customer’s last name |
customer.ip | string | N | The customer public ip address. | | | string | valid email address | N | The customer email address. |
customer.language | string | [a-z]{2} | N | The customer language according to (ISO-639-1). Supported languages are: en, fr, it, de, es and nl. |
customer.reference | string | UNIQUE, [ -~]+ (max: 85 ascii printable characters) | N | The customer’s reference |
customer.address_country | string | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code | N | The customer’s address’ country. This parameter will be phased out when 3DS2 becomes mandatory |
customer.login | string | max length 150 | N | The customer’s login |
customer.password_hash | string | max length 64 | N | The customer’s password hash |
payment_method.type | string | CREDITCARD | N | The type of payment object to be passed in the api call. |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
payment_method.cardholder | string | max length 100 | Y | Cardholder name. Please note that non-alphabetic characters other than @ . - _ ‘ will be stripped out. Names containing digits will be rejected by validation. |
payment_method.number | string | [0-9]{12,19} | Y | Valid credit card number, only digits. |
payment_method.exp_month | string | [0-9]{2} | Y | Credit card expire month (ex: 05). |
payment_method.exp_year | string | [0-9]{4} | Y | Credit card expire year (ex: 2015). |
payment_method.cvc | int | [0-9]{3,4} | N | Credit card verification code. The CVC is always required if interactive is true or if interactive is false and your API settings do not allow you to process payments or create mandates without providing it. |
"source": 1,
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"expiration_date": 1420464268,
"ems_url": "",
"authorized_detokenizers": [
"customer": {
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"email": "",
"reference": "ref-1234",
"language": "en",
"address_country": "FR",
"login": "username",
"password_hash": "p@55w0rd_#"
"payment_method": {
"type": "CREDITCARD",
"number": 4111111111111111,
"cardholder": "Card Holder Name",
"exp_month": "01",
"exp_year": "2015"
In this case since the token is being imported no VALIDATION or MANDATE processing will be performed irrelevant of the service level (STORAGE/VERIFICATION/PROCESSING).
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be token. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned token. |
status | string | Y | The token status. see status. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to access the hosted page and input his/her the card details. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was passed to the request. |
booking_details | object | Y | The booking details. see booking_details. |
creation_date | unix timestamp | Y | The creation date of the token. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The expiration date of the token. The token will not be usable after this date. |
accept_until | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the date and time the customer is allowed to complete the transaction.This parameter will only be returned on BUYER flow. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. When using the hosted flow, this will initially be null until the customer fills in his payment method data. |
moto_instance_id | int | N | The moto_instance reference. Only provided if the token was created via a Phone Booking token request. See Phone Booking Interface |
mandate | object | N | The mandate details. Will only be returned if a mandate was automatically created. see mandate. |
payment | object | N | The payment details. Will only be returned if an initial payment has been requested together with the token creation. see payment. |
risk | object | N | The risk of the token. see risk. |
"booking_details": {
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount": 500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"billing_address": null
"validation_status": "NOT_VALIDATED",
"invalid_reason": null,
"fingerprint": "d7e4fd6f-9aa3-4ae0-80f9-dafeb3581a22",
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
This method returns a list of all banks handled by iDeal.
URL syntax: | /api/v2/merchant/payment-method/ideal/banks |
Method: | GET |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be ideal_banks. |
updated | unix timestamp | Y | This is used to check whether the list of banks has been updated. |
banks | array | Y | A list of iDeal banks | | integer | Y | The iDeal bank reference. This value is to be used in payment requests to indicate which bank should be used. | | string | Y | The name of the bank. | | string | Y | The country of the bank. |
"name":"Issuer Simulation V3 - ING",
"name":"Issuer Simulation V3 - RABO",