The objects returned by the API will always include a class property that will tell you the object type. Each class has its own set of related properties.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be token. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned token. |
status | string | Y | The token status. see status. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to access the hosted page and input his/her the card details. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was passed to the request. |
booking_details | object | Y | The booking details. see booking_details. |
creation_date | unix timestamp | Y | The creation date of the token. |
expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The expiration date of the token. The token will not be usable after this date. |
accept_until | unix timestamp | N | A unix timestamp which determines the date and time the customer is allowed to complete the transaction.This parameter will only be returned on BUYER flow. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. When using the hosted flow, this will initially be null until the customer fills in his payment method data. |
moto_instance_id | int | N | The moto_instance reference. Only provided if the token was created via a Phone Booking token request. See Phone Booking Interface |
mandate | object | N | The mandate details. Will only be returned if a mandate was automatically created. see mandate. |
payment | object | N | The payment details. Will only be returned if an initial payment has been requested together with the token creation. see payment. |
risk | object | N | The risk of the token. see risk. |
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be mandate |
status | string | Y | The status of the mandate. see status. |
currency | string | Y | The mandate currency (ISO-4217). |
end_reason | string | N | Reason why the mandate has ended. |
start_date | string | N | The date when the mandate was authorized by the customer. |
end_date | string | N | The date when the mandate ended. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be payment. |
id | int | Y | The SysPay reference of the returned payment. |
reference | string | Y | The merchant payment identifier which was passed in the request. |
amount | int | Y | The amount in cents. |
currency | string | Y | The currency (ISO-4217). |
status | string | Y | The payment status see status. |
preauth_expiration_date | unix timestamp | Y | The preauth expiration date specifies until when a a preauth can be captured or voided. The transaction will be voided automatically once the preauth expires. |
capture_date | unix timestamp | Y | The date after which the preauth may be automatically captured. |
action_url | string | N | The url where the customer should be redirected to in order to provide further details required to complete the payment. |
flow | string | Y | The flow used to process the payment. |
processing_time | unix timestamp | Y | When the payment has been processed, null if the transaction is still not complete. |
source | int | N | The id of the website the payment has been made for. |
contract | string | N | The name of the payment processor. |
descriptor | string | N | The payment description which will be shown on the card payment bank statement. |
extra | string | N | The extra parameter which was sent on in the request call. |
description | string | N | The merchant payment description. |
account_id | int | Y | The SysPay account reference that the API access is linked to. |
merchant_id | int | Y | The SysPay API access merchant reference. |
merchant_login | string | Y | The SysPay API merchant login which proccessed the payment. |
settlement_date | unix timestamp | N | A timestamp indicating when this payment will be settled. |
failure_category | string | N | When a payment fails, this parameter will include extra information about the error (reference). |
chip_and_pin_status | string | N | This field will be present on Chip&Pin transactions. When the payment has been made using the bluetooth device, the actual payment status will be kept OPEN until the transaction is really captured (which can take 1 business day). In order to let your web shop or native application know about the transaction results synchronously, this field will reflect the status seen on the device (SUCCESS / FAILED). This should be used for display purpose only. |
token | object | N | The token details. see token. |
customer | object | Y | The customer details. see customer. |
payment_method | object | Y | The payment method details. see payment_method. |
processor_reference | string | N | The reference of the transaction for the processor, in case of supergateway processing. |
"action_url": null,
"description":"Shopping basket payment",
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be payment_method. |
type | string | N | The payment method type. See the available payment method types |
display | string | N | A payment method-specific string that can be used to identify the payment method used. |
validation_status | string | N | The card validation status. See the available statuses. For creditcards only, and if validation is enabled for your account. |
validation_date | unix timestamp | N | The card’s last validation date. For creditcards only, and if validation is enabled for your account. |
invalid_reason | string | N | If the card validation status is invalid this field will specify the reason. See the invalid reason codes. |
details | object | N | The payment method details object. The parameters returned differ according to the payment method type. see payment method details. |
"validation_status": "VALID",
"invalid_reason": null,
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be payment_method_details. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
payment_method_details.fingerprint | string | Y | The credit card fingerprint Uuid. |
payment_method_details.holder | string | Y | The credit card holder name. |
payment_method_details.scheme | string | Y | Credit card scheme. See the payment method credit card type schemes. |
payment_method_details.exp_month | string | Y | Credit card expire month (ex: 01). |
payment_method_details.exp_year | string | Y | Credit card expire year (ex: 2016). |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
payment_method_details.fingerprint | string | Y | The bank account fingerprint Uuid. |
payment_method_details.holder | string | Y | The bank account holder name. |
payment_method_details.iban | string | Y | The bank account IBAN code. |
payment_method_details.bic | string | Y | The bank account BIC/SWIFT code. |
"holder":"Card Holder Name",
"scheme": "VISA",
Name | Type | Mandatory | Details | Description |
type | string | Y | CREDITCARD | The payment method type which will be affected by this option |
three_ds | string | N* | MUST|PREFER|DONT_CARE|NEVER | Option to override the 3d preference (*Required if type is set to CREDITCARD) |
"type" : "CREDITCARD",
"three_ds" : "MUST"
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be customer. |
string | N | The customer email address. | |
language | string | N | The customer language according to (ISO-639-1). |
firstname | string | N | The customer first name. |
lastname | string | N | The customer last name. |
billing_address | object | N | The customer’s billing address. see billing address |
"address1":"3B, SysPay",
"address2":"Wied Ghomor Street",
"city":"St. Julians",
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
type | string | Y | The device used to process the payment. Browser is currently the only supported type |
browser_width | int | Y | Total width of the screen in pixels |
browser_height | int | Y | Total width of the screen in pixels |
browser_time_zone_offset | int | Y | Time difference between UTC time and the browser local time, in minutes |
browser_color_depth | int | Y | Value representing the bit depth of the colour palette, in bits per pixel. (Accepted values: 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 24, 32, 48) |
browser_java_enabled | bool | Y | Represents the ability of the browser to execute Java |
browser_language | string | Y | Value representing the browser language as defined in IETF BCP47 |
accept_header | string | Y | Exact content of the HTTP accept headers |
user_agent_header | string | Y | Exact content of the HTTP user-agent header |
"type": "browser",
"browser_width": "1024",
"browser_height": "768",
"browser_time_zone_offset": "-120",
"browser_color_depth": "48",
"browser_java_enabled": "1",
"browser_language": "en",
"accept_header": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
"user_agent_header": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36"
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
address1 | string | Y | Cardholder Billing address | |
address2 | string | N | Cardholder Billing address | |
address3 | string | N | Cardholder Billing address | |
city | string | Y | Cardholder Billing address city | |
country | string | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code | Y | Cardholder Billing address country |
postal_code | string | Y | Cardholder Billing address postal code |
"address1": "3B, SysPay",
"address2": "Wied Ghomor Street",
"city": "St. Julians",
"country": "MT",
"postal_code": "STJ2041"
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be error. |
message | string | Y | The error message. |
property | string | N | The parameter which caused an error. |
code | string | N | The error code. see error_codes. |
data | string | N | The invalid data. |
"message":"Website not found",
Sometimes you might encounter an object of the special reference class. This has been created in order to avoid circular references, for example when making a server-2-server token creation including an initial payment where a token includes a payment which also includes the token this payment was made on. In this case the token in the payment object will be a reference.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be reference. |
type | string | Y | The actual class of the object being referenced. |
id | string | Y | The id of the object. |
link | string | N | If our API provides a service to access this object’s details, this property will include the link to retrieve it. |
"class": "reference",
"type": "token",
"id": 7,
"link": ""
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be moto_instance |
id | string | Y | The instance unique identifier |
action_url | string | Y | The URL to use the generated instance |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
class | string | Y | The type of object which is being returned. In this case it will be risk | |
level | string | HIGH|MEDIUM|LOW | N | The risk level. |
Name | Type | Details | Mandatory | Description |
booking_details.type | string | HOTEL | Y | The type of the booking. |
booking_details.booking_id | string | max length 100 | Y | The partner reference of the booking. |
booking_details.check_in_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | Y | The check_in date of the booking. |
booking_details.check_out_date | string | YYYY-mm-dd | Y | The check_out date of the booking. If no expiration_date is provided for the token the check_out_date plus an interval amount is specified as the expiration_date of the token. The interval amount is configured within the API settings. For more information please contact customer service. |
booking_details.total_booking_amount | int | Y | The total booking fee amount in cents (500 XXX = 5.00 XXX). | |
booking_details.booking_currency | string | [A-Z]{3} | Y | The booking currency (ISO-4217), saved for information purposes only. Please note that this currency does not effect payment and mandate creations processed on the SysPay platform. |
"type": "HOTEL",
"booking_id": "test-ref",
"check_in_date": "2016-01-25",
"check_out_date": "2016-01-30",
"total_booking_amount" :500,
"booking_currency": "EUR"