Table Of Contents

Client-side tokenization (JS)

This is the suitable solution if you want to be able to host the creditcard data collection form on your own page without having to directly manipulate such information.

The flow is the following:

  1. The buyer fills in his creditcard data (card number, expiration month/year, cardholder name, security code) on a form hosted on your own page.
  2. The buyer submits the form. This should preferably be validated on the client-side first.
  3. A javascript listener (provided by you) bound to the form submission will first send the card information to our API in the background by using the syspay.tokenizer.tokenizeCard({...}, callback) function provided by our javascript library.
  4. A token is returned and a javascript callback (provided by you) is triggered. This callback should take care of submitting the returned token together with other form elements (email, etc...) but without the actual card data.
  5. The merchant makes a server-2-server request, but instead of submitting the whole payment_method data to our API, you only send the token you received from the client.

Note: This token can only be used once and within 5 minutes after it has been submitted by the client. If the payment attempt fails a new token has to be requested.

Client-side requirements

Including the tokenizer

The tokenizer has no external dependency. It is recommended to hotlink this javascript file rather than hosting it yourself, that way you’re guaranteed to always use the latest available version.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Setting your public key

This key can be found in the API Configuration area of your backend.

syspay.tokenizer.setPublicKey('Your public key');

Changing the base url for testing

By default the tokenizer will connect to the live environment. During the implementation phase you will probably want to switch to the sandbox one. To do so, adapt your public key accordingly and change the base URL used like this:


Collect and tokenize the card information

In order to tokenize the card information, you need to:

  • Submit the information to our API
    number:     $('#number').val(),
    cardholder: $('#cardholder').val(),
    exp_month:  $('#exp-month').val(),
    exp_year:   $('#exp-year').val(),
    cvc:        $('#cvc').val()
}, callback);
  • Handle the response in a javascript callback
var callback = function(response) {
    if (null === response.error) {
        // The actual token will be in response.token. Add it to a hidden field and submit the form.
        // /!\ Make sure you don't submit the actual card data if they are part of your form.
        $('<input type="hidden" name="syspay-token" />')

        // Optionally, you can send the card's BIN to your server
        $('<input type="hidden" name="card-bin" />')

    } else {
        // There was an error

CVC Collection

The JS library does not enforce CVC collection. Tokenizing a card without providing the cvc parameter will be accepted, however the ability to process a payment on a token that does not contain a cvc once it has been submitted to your server depends on your API settings. If you are not allowed to process card payments without cvc, a missing cvc validation error will be returned.


The callback given to syspay.tokenizer.tokenizeCard() will be passed a single response object. Some basic pre-validation is made (data types and a LUHN test on the card number) so the callback could be triggered before requesting the token creation to our API if any of these fail.

This response object will contain the following properties:

Property Type Description
error integer|null If the token creation went fine, the error property will be null, otherwise an integer will indicate the error encountered. (See the table below)
message string|null The corresponding error message for the given code. (This message will always be in english)
token string|null The returned token to be submitted by the form, or null if an error occured
api_code integer In case of request error, the actual API error code will be given here.
api_message string The corresponding api_code message
details object Details about the creditcard. The object will be empty if an error occured
details.bin string Creditcard’s BIN

Error codes

Code Description
4 Invalid or missing cardholder name
8 Invalid or missing card number
16 Invalid or missing expiration month
32 Invalid or missing expiration year
64 Invalid or missing cvc
128 Response error - The Syspay API call failed (server-side or network error)
256 Request error - The card information couldn’t be tokenized or the public key is not valid. When this error occurs the object given to the callback will contain an api_code and an api_message properties with further information

Sample HTML page

The following example uses jQuery to handle the form submission and the retrieval of the card data, but it is not required by our library.

Note that the card data inputs do NOT have a name attribute so they are not submitted with the rest of the form. It is your responsibility to make sure that the card data is not submitted to your server.

    <!-- Required -->
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
        // This is not required for production usage

        // The public key can be found from your merchant backend

        // The following function will be called back once the card data will have been submitted to the SysPay API
        var callback = function(response) {
            if (null === response.error) {
                // The request was successfully processed. Add the returned token to the form before submitting it for real.
                $('<input type="hidden" name="syspay-token" />')

                // Optionally, you can send the card's BIN to your server
                $('<input type="hidden" name="card-bin" />')

                // Submit the form
            } else {
                alert('An error occured: ' + response.message + '(Code: ' + response.error + ')');
                return false;

        $(function() {
            // Catch form submissions and send the card data to syspay
            $('#my-form').submit(function() {
                // Submit the card data to Syspay
                    number:     $('#number').val(),
                    cardholder: $('#cardholder').val(),
                    exp_month:  $('#exp-month').val(),
                    exp_year:   $('#exp-year').val(),
                    cvc:        $('#cvc').val()
                }, callback);

                // Prevent form submission
                return false;
    <form id="my-form" method="POST" action="/path/to/checkout">
        <!-- This will be submitted -->
        <label>Email <input type="text" id="email" name="email" /></label>

        <!-- This won't -->
        <label>Cardholder <input type="text" id="cardholder" /></label>
        <label>Card number <input type="text" id="number" /></label>
        <label>Expiration month <input type="text" id="exp-month" /></label>
        <label>Expiration year <input type="text" id="exp-year" /></label>
        <label>CVC <input type="text" id="cvc" /></label>
        <input type="submit" value="Checkout" />

Sample server-2-server request

    "flow": "API",
    "return_url": "http:\/\/\/return.php",
    "ems_url": "http:\/\/\/ems.php",
    "customer": {
        "email": "",
        "language": "en"
    "payment_method": {
        "token_key": "4f7964aef61b02dd00d3617a3fa0652dff49d99d94955f8907e4e4210e366d78:mia5z816e8dc8dcizpfcdrdgdaayjylf"